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Developer Features in 24R1

We are pleased to bring you the following additions and enhancements to the CDMS & CDB API features in 24R1. REST API features added in 24R1 only affect API v24.1, unless otherwise specified.


Casebook Design Export

Release Date: March 8, 2024 NEW

The Casebook Design Export (CDE) is a JSON representation of the Study's design, at a specific Casebook Version. It's used to programmatically retrieve and inspect content that resembles the Study Design Specifications (SDS) generated from Studio. The following is an example of a JSON Study: ExampleStudy-24-01_cde_v1_2024-02-16T15-51-56.json

The CDE adheres to the CDISC ODM structure in presenting the study design including the following:

The CDE can only be retrieved through the CDMS API using the casebook_design_export__v parameter with the Jobs Management endpoints (referring to API endpoints used to manage Jobs). Each job produces a file by casebook version, containing the current state of study settings.

Support for Study Job Types

Release Date: March 8, 2024 NEW

The following Job types are now supported for Start, Retrieve Output File, and other Job endpoints:

Name Description
Subject Progress Listing (Versioned) Similar content as subject_progress_listings__v, but with a version required. Requires Veeva enablement for your Vault.
Event Progress Listing (Versioned) Similar content as event_progress_listing__v, but with a version required. Requires Veeva enablement for your Vault.
Form Progress Listing (Versioned) Similar content as form_progress_listing__v, but with a version required. Requires Veeva enablement for your Vault.
Query Detail Listing (Versioned) Similar content as query_detail_listing__v, but with a version required. Requires Veeva enablement for your Vault.
Casebook Design Export This job generates a JSON file of the Study design. Included in the content are the schedule of the Study, all Form designs of the schedule, codelists, unit definition, coding definitions, and Study settings. Each job run (file) is one to one with a specific Casebook Version of the Study design.
Safety Follow-Up Scan For Studies with the CDMS Safety Integrations module enabled, this job will start a job that scans for any appropriate follow-up sends to a safety system. The job can be run to detect recent changes since the last job run or in full by scanning every safety case. If a scheduled job is in place for the Study, this is largely unnecessary. Instead, it's purpose is for cases where the start of the scanning is to be driven by conditions outside of Vault CDMS.

API Support for Visit Method

Release Date: March 8, 2024 NEW

The Retrieve Events/Forms endpoint now returns a method property. A new Update Event endpoint can be used to set both the date and method. The Event method is a property of Events that depends on the Study design, both in terms of whether the Event uses methods and which values are valid at that Event.

Combination Update Form Data

Release Date: March 8, 2024 UPDATE

The Combination Update Form Data endpoint now supports the Item to Form type of Item Definition.

Retrieve Users

Release Date: March 8, 2024 UPDATE

The Retreive Users endpoint now includes these additional user properties:

Data and Definition Export

Release Date: March 8, 2024 UPDATE

The Data and Definition Export endpoint is now deprecated across all API versions. This includes both the user interface start and API start. Continuing to run the job for one or two more releases requires Veeva enablement.